Remember that Autodesk-Mattel announcement of nearly a year ago? The fruit has ripened, rather beautifully.
Here's Mattel's ThingMaker, a $300 toymaking desktop factory. The first kid-centric 3D printer to properly make it to market.
Though it's named Mattel's ThingMaker, the product looks to have a pretty straightforward, Autodesk-centric genealogy. The machine seems to be a variant of traditional desktop filament 3DP (with a nice moulded casing); Autodesk has lots of recent machine-building XP via Autodesk's Ember. The app is the grandchild of Modibot and Modio, which was bought by Autodesk last year. Looks like a pretty easy-to-broker deal, then, that ;-)
Hasbro's Easy-Bake Oven was launched in the 60s, and is still super popular, despite only making cake and cookies (OK maybe that's the popularity). This machine, however - and especially its future descendants - will be able to bake all kinds of interesting and on-demand toys. Can't wait to see where this goes.
I'd wondered where the blog posts had gone, and it's lovely to see that you do still post! May one ask why your old Feedburner account is set to Delicious instead of blog posts? Since Delicious now shows a sponsored entry on days when you haven't saved a link, it's two removes of mildly disconcerting.
Posted by: Skgoetz | March 28, 2016 at 01:05
Isn't that grim, SK? I've killed Delicious because of that, and moved to Pinboard. But sadly, Feedburner doesn't pull from Pinboard, so now I have to figure out what to do with the RSS...
Getting there tho :)
I miss the habit of blogging.
Posted by: Alice | March 29, 2016 at 16:53