Remember that Autodesk-Mattel announcement of nearly a year ago? The fruit has ripened, rather beautifully.
Here's Mattel's ThingMaker, a $300 toymaking desktop factory. The first kid-centric 3D printer to properly make it to market.
Though it's named Mattel's ThingMaker, the product looks to have a pretty straightforward, Autodesk-centric genealogy. The machine seems to be a variant of traditional desktop filament 3DP (with a nice moulded casing); Autodesk has lots of recent machine-building XP via Autodesk's Ember. The app is the grandchild of Modibot and Modio, which was bought by Autodesk last year. Looks like a pretty easy-to-broker deal, then, that ;-)
Hasbro's Easy-Bake Oven was launched in the 60s, and is still super popular, despite only making cake and cookies (OK maybe that's the popularity). This machine, however - and especially its future descendants - will be able to bake all kinds of interesting and on-demand toys. Can't wait to see where this goes.
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