You might not have heard of E.O.Wilson, especially if you're not around Harvard:
Biologist E. O. Wilson, professor emeritus at Harvard University, is a two-time Pulitzer-winning ant expert who helped develop theories of island biogeography, chemical ecology, and sociobiology. A leader in the modern environmental movement, Wilson has devoted his life to understanding how all forms of life are connected.
He was interviewed recently by Will Wright, for NPR, and the conversation rapidly turned directly to games.
So the first question he asked Wilson was if he saw a role for games in the educational process.
"I'll go to an even more radical position," Wilson said. "I think games are the future in education. We're going through a rapid transition now. We're about to leave print and textbooks behind."
I'm sitting in a conference right now so haven't had a chance to listen to the audio, but it's here, and the writeup is here.