It's day 7 of our holiday. Day 1 was travelling; day two was meet-n-greet with the fam, followed by a bit of a nap-collapse, and Days 3-6 were WorldCon for him, and the pukebucket for me - and I never, ever get sick. Strep throat plus normal flu (how did I manage to get normal flu? Brilliant!), PLUS a severe reaction to this horrible new giant antibiotic "Bioxin". Disgusting horse-pill that you take once a day. The course cost me $100 (!!!) and of course, you don't get a refund if it makes you puke every 15 mins (which it did). 59 vomits later, I'm on amoxycillin ($25) and it's time to head back to Toronto.
So here's a teeshirt that made me laugh.
Thinkgeek, of course!