Lemmings. Never played it. I know!! It comes up all the time, at conferences, dinner parties, shopping trips.
(I never played Elite either, but that's only because I was playing too much Defender. I know!!1!)
Dan just pointed out that there are a) amigurumi Lemmings (I knew this) and b) you can play Lemmings in your browser. In DHTML, no less.
So now I have played Lemmings (it's hard!).
Off to find some Elite amigurumi and a browser version of that.
(Thanks Dan! <--- if you haven't played his games, you should.)
Posted by: Dan Hon | July 24, 2009 at 15:07
I was a big Amiga fan boy back in the day (Atari sucks etc) so Lemmings was one of my favourites. Lemmings 2 was actually a lot better in my opinion due to the variety in graphics, sound and level design. Funnily enough I was playing it just yesterday through the miracle of emulation.
Posted by: Mr Tom | July 26, 2009 at 11:56
Dan :op
Posted by: Alice | July 27, 2009 at 19:04