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June 17, 2009



Holy Balls. That is *amazing* on so many levels.

Oh, and it made me wish that the Sims had a Young Lady's Illustrated Primer.


I started reading this thinking what a hopeless waste of time.

Having reached the end, I'm utterly hooked! What happens to them now? Will Alice ever have friends or get a job? Or marry?

Will Kev stop pissing himself and undressing at inappropriate moments?

Don't ever point me towards Soap Operas again!


Lol... This really did make me giggle and also think 'what will they think of next...'


I had a horrible realization reading this... when true AI is achieved, I'm now certain that one of the first things that will be done with it will be to create the most dysfunctional personalities possible.
Ian McDonald's sci-fi novels are right- the soap opera stars of the future will be AIs, because they will be *real.*

Evil Jim

It's a well interpreted & told story. It's impossible to say how it will turn out but I hope they continue with it for as long as it's interesting.

The first thing I thought of was this Bigger Than Cheeses comic.

aion kinah

Lol... This really did make me giggle and also think 'what will they think of next...'

flash games arcade

I'm in the process of reading it all right now, and I'm in awe at how realistic the AI is when it comes to emotions and emotional responses. It makes me wish I had a console capable of handling such a game...

buy mortal

Holy Balls. That is *amazing* on so many levels.

Oh, and it made me wish that the Sims had a Young Lady's Illustrated Primer.

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