XFire - the gamer's IM - has got some nifty new tech setup so that the likes of you and me can watch some live expert dungeon raiding: Nihilum, scary shoulder guild, will be live raiding raided the Sunwell Plateau, and us peons can get to watch this sort of thing, says Massively. Woo!
This is the second raid broadcast by Xfire, but this time around advances in technology enable a higher number of viewers and better quality. Up to 4,000 people may tune in. Four different points of view will be provided -- those of a Warrior, a Hunter, a Druid, and a Warlock.
Although at four hours long, this kind of television is for the dedicated WoW lunatic only. I could learn a thing from watching the lock, though... Crystaltips the Warlock is still noobing around in Netherstorm wearing greens, pshaw!
I hope they do more.