Lively! I should think so. Google has just announced it's new web-based virtual world:
"A free, browser-based virtual environment with tight integration to MySpace, Facebook, OpenSocial, and Google gadgets like Picasa and YouTube."
... says Virtual Worlds News.
It seems at first glance to be rather exactly along the lines of MetaPlace and Whirled, although I'm sure there will be differences on investigation. The avatars look like Bratz. Some of the rooms look like Home.
Here's a user generated room called "I hate Ewoks" - clearly the creation tools are pretty good!
So I know I've been a bit off the grid recently, what with the nipper and a new busy job, but I missed any and all early news of this one. Is there anything Google can't do?
Actually, there aren't any creation tools. Yet, anyway. That's a stock room template of some sort.
Posted by: Raph | July 09, 2008 at 04:20
I had fun. But not so much fun. Couldn't create anything. And the avvies are pretty much like, well, VLES. Not so much you can tailor. But I'll keep following. I like the fact that you can easily hop between people's plots o' land. Yet another UI that needs tweakin! ;)
Posted by: josho | July 09, 2008 at 07:04
>>Is there anything Google can't do?
Er ... release this for Mac?
Posted by: Leon | July 09, 2008 at 08:59
I think it's less of a matter of what they "can't do," and more a matter of what they "won't do." I'm near certain that they really could make Virgle real, if they wanted.
Posted by: Jeffool | July 09, 2008 at 12:36
It just makes me want to vomit. Am I the only one?
Posted by: Simon | July 09, 2008 at 14:49
"Is there anything they can't do?"
Yes, get it to work - seems the majority of people trying to access it can't (including me) and are stuck at the 'joining room' message.
Posted by: WandringSoul | July 09, 2008 at 17:10
It's not a game platform, yet - it's an attempt to monetize social networks, in my opinion. The avatar limit of 20 per room is really odd. What with cloud computing and who knows what it seems like such an arbitrary and small number, although you can still "view" a room in progress without being present with your avatar - which kind of defeats the purpose of being 'present' in a 3D environment.
One thing I suppose it has going is that it IS a 3D space. But it's a cartoon chat room and nothing more, at least at the moment.
Plus, it's clearly an attempt to generate a 'clean safe' environment for advertising. As indicating in its terms of service, Lively will have advertising, which I guess means IKEA couches and TV sets running ads.
Sorry for the cross-post but rather than going on, I summarized observations here:
Posted by: Dusan Writer | July 09, 2008 at 17:50
The worst part I've seen is this: Anyone can interact with your avatar, and you can't ignore them. For instance, anyone can walk up to you and kick you repeatedly, or tackle you, or kiss you, whether you want that or not. Makes conversations incredibly difficult if anyone wants to grief you.
Posted by: Anonymous | July 11, 2008 at 09:25
I tried it and i think its a little bit too much of a cartoon for me. Ticket4one has a similar thing but atlaest i can see real people from the 3d Virtual Chat Room
Posted by: rayq | July 30, 2008 at 09:06