At least.
Here we go... Super Mario enemy earrings:
Sony PSP crochet case - don't see PSP cases out there that often! Love the colour.
There are some alliance ones out there too but who cares about them. Then, I like this clever (flat) companion cube charm. Good perspective.
Ever so slightly creepy Mario painting print (yes, not the original painting, unfortunately). Good for a bathroom, probably:
Legend of Zelda throw pillows set. I like these very much.
Here's an unusual one - a Katamari Damacy messenger bag:
And lastly, this sweet +10 Strength keychain. It's pretty chi-chi, no? Carries a chi-chi price tag too, but it is super elegant.
Someone likes Harry Potter :)
what is this
Posted by: allie | June 21, 2008 at 18:41
what is this
Posted by: allie | June 21, 2008 at 18:42
So.. on that +10 STR chain. I finally realized how depressing a life I live because I knew which Harry Potter book that is.
Posted by: | October 12, 2008 at 07:39