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March 07, 2007



The term "Game 3.0" made me cringe. Nice idea though.


Oh and I wonder what they'll do about people putting more "questionable" content up on Home. Or will there be a big orgy of Furry yiffing scat rape (add commas to that if you want :-D) videos and pictures everywhere a lá Second Life?

I noticed they took the Xbox 360 achievements thing and went one better by making them shiny and animated. Fair enough I suppose.

I really want to get my hands on Little Big Planet too. Looks ace, like Animal Crossing crossed with Viva Pinata crossed with a scrap book with physics bolted on :-D Definitely THE reason to buy a PS3. Hopefully it'll have really dropped in price by 2008 because there's no way in hell I'm paying £425.

Pete S

Thank you so much for posting this. I made the mistake of turning to 1Up for their coverage, which was abysmal.


Aw. You're welcome!


Very well presented coverage of Sony's keynote. Great job.

David Hayward

The name of the other LBP dev is Alex Evans, and their company is Media Molecule. Not only are they already awesome, but they've made me think about a PS3.

"Or will there be a big orgy of Furry yiffing scat rape (add commas to that if you want :-D) videos and pictures everywhere a lá Second Life?"

Fnur, I have a deep affection for comments like that. It's like listening to my dad disapprove of "that internet" because "it's all pornography, innit?".

Duncan Gough

Grouper is Grouper.com, bought by Sony last year:


I guess it's not going to beat YouTube for a long while so pushing them towards videos in virtual worlds makes sense.

hc card

This all things are so nice and cool I am very excited to see it is very nice for us I am very excited to see this I is very nice.

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