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February 27, 2007


Michael W.

On behalf of all the non-ravening Jesus freaks out there, I apologize for the behavior of your seat mates. I know it won't make up for the 13 hours you spent cornered, but it is sincere.

Kim Pallister

A while back I got on a flight with 50 screaming college hotties going to cancun (plane was stopping in San Fran first, where I was getting off - bummer), and I of course got seated next to a raving jesus freak who was also homeless and had recently been released from - as far as I could gather - some kind of mental facility. He was about 25, and was travelling with - I kid you not - a large paper bag containing a pair of jeans and about 20 different prescription meds.

Little did I expect that he'd turn out to be the most charismatic and entertaining person I'd met on a plane in years. We disagreed on religion, but apart from that he was great. He asked if I was Canadian and after I confirmed he told me he was Pagaean! Ha!


Heh, fun! My two were unfortunately neither charming nor entertaining, but then again, most seatmates on flights aren't.


p.s. thanks Michael, and I know most folk aren't ravening .. I just got two prize specimens ;)

nick s

She was allowed to carry her Oscar as hand luggage? I'm surprised the TSA blackshirts allowed that... though the lovely Ms Mirren would likely have torn them new ones had they complained.

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